mardi 20 octobre 2015


hello i'm back with a small force of Skitarii for painting commissions, very nice minis, love to paint them but not so much :p See u soon!

dimanche 18 octobre 2015

Le 16e All Black ! / The 16th All Black !


Peint hier soir en regardant la correction administrée par les neo zelandais a nos ptits joueurs nationaux.
Ca donnait vraiment l'impression d'une equipe de chapelains terminators face a une equipe de cultistes de khorne ^^
Quelques finitions a appliquer dont le nom de heros (Tael) sur le socle et il est bon pour la campagne actuelle "fluff" de mes DA.


Painted this yesterday night watching the beating given by the kiwis to our national team.
Such a one sided match you could imagine a full chaplain team in terminator armour taking on an equal number of khorne cultists ^^
Some additional details needed such as painting the character's name (Tael) on its base, then ihe will be ready for an on going fluff campaign in which I am presently playing my Dark Angels.


mercredi 7 octobre 2015

Salamanders Pryroclast & Firedrakes!

hey! Just a few pics of the beginning of an Pre Heresy Salamanders Army for commissions. Hope you enjoy the pic!